Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Clarification of assignment 08 due today

Clarification of assignment 08 due today

The survey you need to answer for alternative B appears in the self-assessment exercises section.  If you can't copy the "style under stress" feedback to your discussion thread, you may either printscreen/copy it to a word processing file and attach it to your response...or you can simply summarize it in your thread.

ALTERNATIVE B: Go to the premium content site associated with the text, SELECT SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES, select “13. Communication,” and then What is “Your Communication Style Under Stress?”  Answer all the questions and receive feedback on your choices.  Copy and paste that feedback in as the first part of your answers.  Then write 1-3 paragraphs either explaining why you are satisfied with your approach to high-stakes communication, or discussing how you might improve some aspect(s) of your response pattern in this type of exercise.
[Also, students doing alternative A--Twitter postings--have through Thursday 4/26 to request a two-day extension.]

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