Monday, April 2, 2012


Regarding Blackboard Assignments #6, #7, #8, and #9
Due April 10, 17, 24, and 26, respectively.

For your convenience as we this semester’s crush period, assignments #6, #7, #8, and #9 are posted together. They have different deadlines, as you can see, but you are welcome to complete them as early as possible. (Please do not do Asg09 TOO early.)


Due TUESDAY, April 10
Lives people generally consider to be "well-lived" are often characterized by extensive community involvement, so "service learning" is a topic we've mentioned more than once in class. Though doing a project to benefit both the student and the community is an important part of students' preparation for business careers, such an activity is not easily mentored and evaluated in a survey course like Management 341. Knowing and thinking about SL, however, remains an objective of this course. In your group discussion forum, CREATE A THREAD that consists of a short report (1-3 paragraphs) covering one of three topics: (1) a service learning project you began and sustained throughout this term, (2) some such project you carried out at any time in the past, or (3) a project you will or might engage in at some time in the future. Include a discussion of the activity's benefits to you and to the community.

There is a wealth of information at the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse web site ( Along with a more detailed definition and explanation of the process, you will find a glossary of terms and a list of some jobs/activities to give you ideas. Appropriate local undertakings might include work on the campus drive to increase organ and tissue donation, cooperating with the Junior Chamber of Commerce to teach economic concepts to public school students, or running a campaign to provide household or medical supplies to less privileged populations here or in developing nations. Due date: TUESDAY, April 10.

Due on TUESDAY, April 17
In the "student edition" of the premium content site, take the Self Assessment titled “Assessing Your Ethical Decision-Making Skills.” Read the feedback and write one or two sentences reporting your score and reacting to it in any way you like. Look over Session number “23 Supplemental Ethics Case Slides.”

Then go to the Manager's Hot Seat section and complete Scenario #2: Ethics: Let’s Make a Fourth Quarter Deal. Review the profiles, references, scenario, and dossier before you create your report.

Answer the questions throughout the case in your assignment posting, and add a paragraph evaluating Jason’s performance.

Do **EITHER** Alternative A, B or C
Due TUESDAY, April 24

For this assignment, please choose just one of these 3 alternatives:
ALTERNATIVE A:  Participate in the @bmgt Twitter Experiment.  Its objective is to facilitate online discussion and participation by students.  (STUDENTS WHO CHOOSE OTHER ASSIGNMENT #8 ALTERNATIVES ARE ALSO WELCOME TO follow and “mention” @bmgt.)

Participants will post five @bmgt “mentions” on a course topic.  Those still unfamiliar with Twitter (you are not alone) can just take a few moments to (1) create a username on, (2) “follow” @bmgt, (3) enter your twitter username on the signup sheet kept in the front of the room, and (4) wait a day to make sure @bmgt is following YOU.  Once your username  and @bmgt are following each other, (3) see what course discussions are on your twitter feed, (4) compose or “tweet” a message up to 140 characters long, (5) send an email to once you have mentioned @bmgt in 5 twitter posts.  PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT EACH OF YOUR TWEETS—TOTALING AT LEAST 5 SPREAD OVER MULTIPLE DAYS—INCLUDES THE WORD “@bmgt” WITHOUT THE QUOTES.

Uses of this tool range from asking questions of the instructor, to having a discussion outside class, to letting us know if you discover some interesting management-related website or other item. Other features such as hashtags (e.g., #bmgtleadership) for specific topics may also be used.   It is preferred, but not required, that you post one or more of these tweets shortly before or DURING our class on April 10, when tweeting is invited and we will display the feed periodically during the session.

ALTERNATIVE B: Go to the premium content site associated with the text, SELECT SELF-ASSESSMENT EXERCISES, select “13. Communication,” and then What is “Your Communication Style Under Stress?”  Answer all the questions and receive feedback on your choices.  Copy and paste that feedback in as the first part of your answers.  Then write 1-3 paragraphs either explaining why you are satisfied with your approach to high-stakes communication, or discussing how you might improve some aspect(s) of your response pattern in this type of exercise.

ALTERNATIVE C: Work together with up to four other class members to present a very brief segment of a remaining class topic.  (A downsized version of the hotseat “presentation” option, this alternative is arranged and/or rehearsed with the instructor.)

ASSIGNMENT #9 (ASG09-netid)
Due THURSDAY, April 26
Write one or more paragraphs analyzing your experience in this course. Which topics did you find most (or least) helpful and interesting? Especially welcome are your opinions of the various tools and instructional techniques, including the text and other readings, regular and "second chance" exams, quizzes, short in-class videos, downloadable review slides, virtual discussion groups, the hotseat, guest speakers, clickers, and on-line contributions like this one. What changes might improve the course for the students who will follow you? React also to any new ideas mentioned in class, including the possible video replacement of additional class lectures in future semesters. Due date: *** THURSDAY***, April 26.

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