Friday, May 11, 2012

Final grades and best wishes

Final grades and best wishes

Your final grades and all their component scores are now accessible from the Blackboard "My Grades" tab.(See note** below.) If you did not receive credit for an assignment you completed, please let the TAs know right away.  If you're just realizing now that you have no clicker points, email me directly at and include your class time and clicker number.

I enjoyed teaching you and invite you to keep me abreast of the successes and challenges you encounter in the future. The TAs and course clerks join me in wishing you an enjoyable summer and a future of good health and prosperity. Special best wishes to those of you who are graduating this semester.

I’m in my office most of the time when school is in session and often during breaks, and you are always welcome to come in to discuss topics from the course or other matters. It’s usually best to call first, especially during the summer months or other school vacations. You'll want to make an appointment or at least call first if you want to meet with me next Monday through Wednesday.  I'll be away from the office for several days starting next Thursday.

ANSWER SHEETS: I plan to dispose of all unreturned 1a, 2a, and 3a exams at the end of the month. The papers include students' names, grades, and Albany IDs. In order to protect your privacy, I send it to a secure off-campus disposal facility. If you’d rather handle these documents yourself, either come in soon and pick them out or email me a request to hold them for you until it is convenient for you to come and get them.

(As a privacy advocate, I instituted this policy years ago to protect people's Social Security numbers. Nobody took me up on it then, nor has anyone done so since we changed to local ID's. Still, if you want your in-term exams and scantrons and neglected to get them when I returned them in class, you are invited to request them.)

I may post one last message on this BMgt341-L distribution list before it expires later this month.

Again, my best to you always.

Prof. M. Fogelman

**Note on students’ Blackboard --> My Grades listing: Exam average is calculated using Exam 1, Exam 2 and Exam 3 values.  Each of these is the higher score of a pair, 1a/1b, 2a/2b, and 3a/3b, respectively.  Also, please ignore the "points possible" column, as Blackboard's system logic is cannot accommodate my practice of selecting the higher of two grades.

If you wish to recheck your final grade on your own...

Average the higher of each pair exams 1a/1b, 2a/2b, and 3a/3b (listed on MyGrades as exams 1, 2, and 3).

  • Start with 75% of the average of exams 1, 2, and 3.
  • Add your clicker-based course points (10% of your total clicks up to a maximum of 15)
  • Add your total assignment (Blackboard Contribution) points (0-10)
  • Add your hotseat points  (0, 2.5, or 5.0)

Round any final numeric total ending in .50 or higher  up to the next whole number.

Look up the final numeric total you just calculated on the chart at the bottom of page 3 of the course syllabus. (html version can be accessed via Blackboard)

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