Q: I cannot find information on general and specific overall traits in the text or slides.
A: General and specific traits are broad terms that include many of the group and individual characteristics noted in the discussions of diversity and individual differences—and personality.
Q: I know what prototyping is after the review the other day, but I can not find information regarding ethnocentrism or projection.
A: Projection, the assignment of one’s personal attributes to other individuals, is especially likely to occur in interpretation stage. It can be controlled through a high degree of self-awareness and empathy.
Ethnocentrism is used here in its usual dictionary definition, was mentioned in class as a likely obstacle to successful diversity management.
Q: Also, what should we know for aspects and consequences of employee monitoring, testing, etc.? I read the listed readings, and have reviewed the slide titled "Unintended Consequences of Monitoring and Other Controls. Is that slide all we should know?
A: If you know the general narrative of what’s on the slides, in the readings, and on the session 13 video, that will be fine.
Are the exam times from Exam #1 the same time we will be able to take the Exam #2?