Friday, February 17, 2012

Blackboard Individual Asg #4 - Due MONDAY, 2/27

Blackboard Individual Assignment #4
Due on or before MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27.

In the "student edition" of the premium content site, go to the Manager's Hot Seat section and complete Scenario #12: Virtual Workplace--Out of the Office Reply. Review the profiles, references, scenario, and dossier before you create your report evaluating how Ralph Ramos handled the situation. (Be sure to answer the 6 multiple choice questions in the conference scenario video itself, as THESE REPONSES WILL BE PASTED IN AS PART OF YOUR REPORT.)

Once you've created the report analyzing the situation in your own words, you can save it--along with the responses--to a text file to copy and paste into a Blackboard discussion entry.

Please post your assignment in the Blackboard Discussion forum as Asg04-netid, though you are free to leave off the netid if you want to keep it confidential.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Exam 1a student questions, part 2

Q: You mentioned we have to know some of the folk heros that you went over.  Im having trouble locating them in the powerpoiynts.  Would you know exactly where they are?  or would it be better to look in the book

A: Most of them are listed on the "fold heroes" slide from session #1.  Others include Deming, Thomas Friedman, Richard Florida, Geert Hofstede, and Kurt Lewin.

3 important exam reminders and instructions

3 important exam reminders and instructions 

I am sending these three important exam reminders via the listserv and also using the mass email feature on Blackboard. I apologize for any unwelcome redundancy.
(1)               You may take next Tuesday’s and the other two in-term exams only at your assigned time.  Time slots are assigned based on the first letter of your last name. you can access assigned exam times on electronic reserve or from the 8:45 or 10:15 url below.

(2)        Bring a #2 pencil and a good eraser.  Though students are permitted to use a pen on these scantrons, inked-in wrong answers cannot be corrected.  Failing to bring a pencil and eraser can often cost students 3 points or more on their course averages.

(3)        Though this detail was indicated on the exam instruction sheet below (item #4), I reiterate that your exam’s version number will appear right above the date in the page heading of the first page of exam questions.

I'll continue to reply to questions about this and other matters, but please direct any questions to and not via the listserve reply function or through Blackboard mail.

Also, here is the instruction sheet text for tomorrow's

B Mgt 341 – 2/16/2012   

Exam 1a







1.   Sit in every second—usually odd-numbered—seat of your assigned row (check the projector screen), starting with the seats on the aisles on the “non-podium” side of the room.
2.   Only the exam and your pencils should be on the table.  Place all other belongings, including cell phones, in your bag on the floor, preferably under your seat.
3.   On the answer sheet, you may start bubbling in your name and ID right away.  Write your full name on this sheet, the next page, and side 1 of the answer sheet, all last name first.
4.   After you are told to open the question packet, you will find the version number above the date at the top of the first question page.
5.  Pay attention to any other instructions you are given.
Please read and sign the following declaration:  Outside of normal class and online materials, I certify that I obtained no advance knowledge of any exam questions or content.  I understand that I should fill in and code my name and id number, not my social security number, before I begin taking the exam.  Missing or incorrect entries for (1) my ID number, (2) my name, and/or (3) the exam version number may cause my exam grade to be reduced by 3 points.                                              


Some student questions regarding exam 1a

Some student questions regarding exam 1a

I'll probably continue answering emailed questions until around 9 p.m. tonight
On the 9/28/10 exam:
Number 3 which reads: Classical OB theorist ______ wrote that conflicts
can be resolved constructively: Rather than trying to determine which side
is correct, managers should seek to integrate both positions into a new
and different answer that satisfies what each side considers right.
        - Would the correct answer be Drucker because of MBO?
. . . . . . . . . .
Answer: Constructive conflict is associated with Mary Parker Follett.

Q: I was trying to print out the slides for yesterday's class, but I couldn't find it on the electronic reserve.Am I at the right place?

A: The slides from yesterday are included with the first 8 sessions’ clicker slides in a file that begins with “Exam 1a review…”
Q: Professor, do we have the answers to the test 1a prep powerpoint to study..i dont want to study wrong answers just in case

A:  I don't keep the answers to those questions.  We just cover them in class and move on.  If you come to one that you can't answer using information from the book and the slides, pls email me and I'll get back to you with a reference or an answer.
Q: The question "all of the following can be done by managers to help layoff survivors except" has a different answer on each of your previous test. On the Spring 2011 test, question 18, the correct answer is "To give the survivors a stronger sense of control," but on fall of 2010, question 15, the correct answer is "Give them more tasks to do to take their minds off the layoff." With the fall of 2010 though, one of the answers is giving them a stronger sense of control. I was just a little confused on which answer would be correct.

A: The “…more tasks…” answer is wrong.  I must have forgotten to fix the answer key I uploaded.  Oops…mf
Q:  While reviewing the previous tests in preparation for Thursdays exam, I stumbled upon a question where I am unsure of the correct answer. The questions is on the Sept. 2010 Exam 1A. The actual question is "A small industrial fabricator's posting of signs in its plants which read, "Always obey the golden rule!" is an example of a(n)". The correct answer is espoused value. I, on the other hand, believe this would be an observable artifact. I was hoping you could clarify this for me. 

A: The act of posting the signs is espousing a value, but the signs themselves are observable artifacts.  It was a bad question, and I accepted both answers.  Sorry I forgot to update the posted version of the answer key.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Exam 1a review materials are available

The following file has been uploaded to electronic reserve.  Students should find it helpful as they prepare for our exam this Thursday:

Exam 1a exam review and session 01-08 clicker points

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Asg03 - Due on/before MONDAY, 2/13.

Blackboard Individual Assignment #3 - Due on or before MONDAY(!), February 13.

In the "student edition" of the premium content site, go to the Manager's Hot Seat section and complete Scenario #8—Cultural Differences: Let’s Break a Deal.  Review the profiles, references, scenario, and dossier (including communications 1, 2, and 3 accessed on down the left side of that screen) before you create your report evaluating what took place in this episode.

Be sure to answer the 6 multiple choice questions in the conference scenario video itself, as THESE REPONSES WILL BE PASTED IN AS PART OF YOUR REPORT.  Then indicate how the differences between Japan’s and the United States’ national cultural values affected the interaction between Norio Tukunada and Michael Sokolow.  Refer in your answer to one--more than that if you like--of the Hofstede’s national cultural dimensions.  (These values are outlined in our session 01-02 review slides.)

Once you've created your report, you can save it along with the multiple choice responses to a text file to copy and paste into a Blackboard discussion thread.  Then go to the Blackboard discussion section and post your assignment as a thread there. 

The subject is Asg03-your-netid.  If you want to keep your netid confidential, you may use just Asg03 as your subject heading.